Priya Patra

Director, Capgemini Technology services India ltd

Business, Strategy & Entrepreneurship | Design Thinking, Leadership, Product Development

Priya Patra


Profile : Priya Patra, Director, Capgemini

Priya is a mother of two, Author, Blogger, Women Empower believer, Dreamer, Creator and a Futurist

An Agile Evangelist and a Delivery Director spearheading the quality engineering – India team for Energy- Utilities and Chemicals sector

She Leads an Agile Community of Practice within the organization of 800 members, across 40 countries evangelizing Agile practices across all levels of the organization

She is a speaker for national and International conferences on Digital, Agile, and Project Management

Since Jan 2020, she has been building a women's community Women PowerUP Network – a virtual community of around 878 women across the globe. #BeingGoodEnougIsAmazing #WePowerUP

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