Naresh Tanwani

Growth & Fulfilment Leadership Coach, Coach Mantra

Leadership and Management | Leadership, Business, Mindfulness

Naresh Tanwani


Naresh Tanwami, a pioneering CIO, spearheads business growth via Digital Customer offerings, shaping robust value propositions in the Energy B2B market. Renowned for strategic Channel strategies and calculated risk-taking, he pioneers futuristic offerings and innovative business models, capitalizing on data and forging strategic partnerships.

With a global footprint, Naresh has overseen Enterprise applications encompassing ERP, CRM, and Data Analytics across strategic, tactical, and operational landscapes. A natural leader, he fosters leadership at all levels, seamlessly navigating from interns to CXOs.

An intrinsic Entrepreneur, Naresh boasts a seven-year entrepreneurial stint in his early career, infusing entrepreneurial spirit into every room he enters.

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