Mohanakrishnan Raman

Managing Director / Family Business Consulting and Business Growth Accelerator, Stepup Strategic Consulting Services Pvt Ltd

Business, Strategy & Entrepreneurship | Change Management, Corporate Consulting, Organisational Development

Mohanakrishnan Raman


having 25 years of experince in Stratgic HRD,Organization Development and Family Business Conulting, Dr Mohan is a Ph.D in Industrial and Organziational Psychology (IOP), author, reserchers, consultant, Professor and advisor to mant Business Families. Helped and Transformed the business organizations and business families to a new high level of performance. He is a visiting faculty to various universities in India and Europe. Published a book titled :"Family Business - Methods and Essentials of Building Business Families".

Authored seveeral articles and contributed to chapters in the boos on various topics on L&D, OD, Change Management, Family Business. He is a speaker at CII, NIPM, IFTDO, IODA and other platforms on the topics mentined. He was Vice President - Conferencces and Events at International Organization Development Association (IODA) for 12 years and an ambassador to IODA, representing India. 

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